Aluminum Measuring Cup - January 12, 2002

An unplanned day--we really went to get a PCI card (whatever that is...) for the computer but...I found this unusual flared lip aluminum measuring cup at Hearts & Hands Antique Mall in Humble, Texas. It was in pretty good shape with only a few minor flaws--it needed a good cleaning and I straightened out the bottom a little. It will join my growing collection of stuff on my utensil rack, it was $4.95. 
We left kind of late, a little after 4 p. m. It was a two hour drive (round trip) and we had to be back by 8 p. m. to pick our Bunchkin up from work. It all worked out fine and ended up having a late dinner out too. Not bad for an unplanned day!!! 
Here is the other side:

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January 12, 2002