Apple Cinnamon Raisin Bread
From: The Bread Machine Cookbook by Melissa Clark

This is one of my favorite bread machine recipe books.
I have purchased multiple copies as gifts for friends and relatives who have bread machines.
I always get positive comments about the variety of recipes it offers.
When I try a new bread recipe, if it is requested again, I know it is a good one.
My family asked me to make this again almost immediately.
My sister also asked for the recipe.
This bread has a good balance of moisture and texture.
We enjoy it toasted, buttered and sprinkled generously with cinnamon sugar.
I first made the 1½ pound loaf and it rose just a squeak shy of the top of my machine,
which has a capacity of 1½ pounds.
I have found that making the 1 pound loaf is better for my 1½ pound machine.

1 Pound Loaf
1 cup water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 tablespoons molasses
¾ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup whole-wheat flour
½ cup oatmeal
2 cups bread flour
1½ teaspoon yeast
½ cup diced apple (about 1 small apple, I peeled it)
½ cup raisins
1½ Pound Loaf
1 1/3 cups water
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
¼ cup molasses
1 teaspoon salt
1½ teaspoons cinnamon
2/3 cup whole-wheat flour
2/3 cup oatmeal
2 2/3 cup bread flour
2½ teaspoons yeast
¾ cup diced apple (about 1 medium apple, I peeled it)
2/3 cup raisins
Assemble ingredients in your pan and bake according to manufacturer's instructions,
adding the raisins and apple during the raisin-bread cycle,
or five minutes before the final kneading is finished.
Mimi's Notes: I used the sweet bread cycle. Don't dice the apples too finely as you will want to have visible pieces of apple in the finished loaf. When I added the apples and raisins at the beep,
I had to add an additional heaping tablespoon of bread flour to achieve a correct dough ball.
I think that adjustments sometimes have to be made to make up for different climates
and it was a humid day when I made this. The apple or batch of raisins I used may have had a higher moisture content than the author was using when she developed the recipe.

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March 3, 2001