Macomb Pottery Stoneware Quart Mason Jar April 13, 2002

It was again at our local monthly Trade Days that Hunny Bunny spotted this heavy quart stoneware jar. It was marked $15 but, I asked the gentleman at the booth nicely if "that was the best he could do" on the price--he said he would take $10. I thanked him and said I would think about it and come back as we were almost finished looking. After unloading the rest of my purchases at the car and getting a drink (it is getting hot here--in the mid 80's on this day!!!), we returned to make the buy. The bottom is embossed: "MACOMB POTTERY CO. PAT. JAN 24, 1899 MACOMB, ILL." 
Here is the bottom:

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April 13, 2002