Pine Half-Pint Mason Jar - November 1, 2003

This was our second trip to First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas. Hun Bun had promised me one more trip by the end of the year. He is my compass.  Without him, I wouldn't be able to find anything. 
It was about 2 p. m. and we had been shopping "the hill" since arriving at a little after 8 a. m. that morning. The weather was brilliant and there was a light wind. It just so happens that we seemed to be finding quite a few common, soft-square shaped half-pint Kerr jars with buttons in them on this particular day. That is what I thought this jar was going to be until I turned it around on the shelf and saw the embossing. Even the zinc lid on it was neat--it was marked "1949 pear jam". The woman at this booth was "makin' deals" and quickly said she'd take $8 for it. Made for only two years, (1927-1929) it didn't take me long to explain to Hun Bun that we SCORED--this was a not-so-common jar. I called my jar-collector-pal Vickie on our mobile phone  to verify that I wasn't dreaming and that I didn't really have to pinch myself after all. Tip: ALWAYS check out jars that have buttons in them. Button collectors are our friends. 

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November 8, 2003