Speas U-SAV-IT Pitcher - August 10, 2002

It was a HOT August Saturday afternoon. Hunny Bunny needed to go to a locksmith to have a key made for the back hatch of one of our vehicles. I almost didn't go with--I am so glad now that I did!!! We were very close to the "Texas Sized Garage Sale" or what we call the "Big Blue Barn Resale" on Highway 146. Hun Bun suggested we go, since the locksmith was out on a call, we could kill a little time while waiting for him to return. Right after we parked and got out, I spotted this on a table outside. Although the pitcher was in need of a good washing out, it is in very good condition with no cracks or chips. It was only $2.50!!! 
Here is the embossing on the bottom--identifying the Speas Brand:

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August 11, 2002