Friendship Cake - From Mixes

This recipe is the reason I have, let's say "a lot" of bundt pans. I am always on the lookout for old, interesting bundt pans to add to my collection. The last time I bought two small ones to add to my growing collection at a flea market, my Hunny Bunny said: "More bundt pans???" My reply was: "There is no such thing as too many bundt pans..." I have made a ton of these cakes. My Hunny Bunny says these are addicting. It takes 30 days and it is worth the wait...get out ALL of your bundt pans. 

1st day
2½ cups sugar
1½ cups starter
(if you don't have starter, use bourbon whiskey)
1 large can (1 pound, 13 ounce) sliced peaches and juice
(cut fruit into bite size pieces)
Stir together in a gallon jar or large plastic container with a wooden spoon.
Do not use anything metal. Do not refrigerate. Stir every day. Keep lid on loosely.
I use a triple layer of cheesecloth on top of the jar, secured with a band or string.
10th day
2 cups sugar
1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple and juice Stir daily
20th day
2 cups sugar
2 (10 ounce) jars maraschino cherries and juice
Stir daily
30th day
Drain liquid from fruit
(Save liquid for the next starter)
Divide fruit into thirds
Divide juice into 1½ cup batches.
Put juice in tightly covered jars and give to friends with a copy of the recipe.
The starter should be used within 5 days.
Do not refrigerate any of the above and do not use metal utensils.
Bake cakes on the 30th or 31st day.

This makes three cakes, so triple the ingredients when you shop.
Bake at 300° for 60-75 minutes in a bundt pan.
Loaves are easier to freeze.
You will need for each batch:
1 box butter flavor cake mix (yellow)
2/3 cup cooking oil
4 eggs
1 small box instant vanilla pudding mix
1/3 of the fruit, slightly chopped
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
Mix all ingredients together with a wooden spoon. Do not use a mixer.
Cool in pan for at least 30 minutes, then turn out onto cooling rack.When cake is completely cool, wrap in plastic wrap and freeze cakes not used.They keep well for 6-12 months frozen.

It makes a lot more than you think!!!
Don't fill pans full, slightly more than ½ full is enough!!!
Grease and flour the pans, the batter is sticky!!!

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