In a world full of cookbooks with just recipes, Home Cooking
by Laurie Colwin (1944-1992) is like a cookbook with notes jotted in the margins.
Homestyle comfort food expressed through words--with a dash of humor and sound advice.
Published in 1988, each chapter flows with a single subject--titles such as
"Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant",
"Stuffing: A Confession" and
"Replusive Dinners: A Memoir".
Have you ever found yourself staring at a recipe and
thinking that it looks too complicated and has too many ingredients???
I love her simplistic approach to the preparation of food.
She is candid about her kitchen disasters, lack of kitchen "gadgets",
what is good food and what is truly awful food.
Although I read More Home Cooking first, "Home Cooking", equally hit the spot. 

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August 16, 2001

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