I first encountered More Home Cooking by Laurie Colwin (1944-1992)
while browsing a large close-out book shop inside a shopping mall with my son and nephew.
My nephew handed me the book and said "Here you go Aunt Mimi".
Published in 1993, I have read most of this book in bed
late at night as I am an incurable insomniac.
My Hunny Bunny sleeping beside me, I found myself laughing out loud at times.
He would open one eye and look at me with a confused look.
At the time of this review (1998), we have had 16 years of marital bliss,
I know what he is thinking--she is laughing at a cookbook???
Since I love to cook, have a large collection of cookbooks and
often battle sleepless nights reading cookbooks in bed, this book really hit the spot.
Her writing style is friendly, like having coffee or tea
(and a sinful dessert) with your best friend.
She tells you her cooking secrets and how the simplest meals were the most memorable ones.
She was a witty, funny writer who will be missed.
Although I am reading them out of order, (the story of my life)
I plan to read Home Cooking (the first book) and read it too,
beside my sleeping Hunny Bunny, giggling quietly, from cover to cover. 

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